Jukebox Bingo

Jukebox Bingo Brings A New Twist To A Classic Game Marc Weinstock April 27, 2018 Game Shows We at Game Shows Alive know how fantastic our games are, and how much fun they add to events, but many of you reading this may still be skeptical. Jukebox Bingo features song clips in a format similar to 'Name That Tune'! With a variety of music from the 1940s to the popular hits of today, we can tailor the format to fit any age. In addition, Extreme Bingo can also be used in conjunction with Music Videos.

Jukebox Bingo Ct

Jukebox Bingo

Jukebox Bingo is a combination of 'Name That Tune' and traditional Bingo, with a little trivia thrown in. Instead of listening to numbers being drawn (B-1, I-17, yawn!), your friends, family, co-workers, guests and patrons will be tapping their toes to the beat of music, sipping their favorite beverage and filling out a bingo card to win prizes!
Around the world, Bingo is one of the most popular games for all ages. I am adding a new twist to an old favorite to take it to another level. I threw out the numbers of tradition bingo and replaced them with song bites. Songs that everyone will know. Played like regular bingo, but with music. That’s right, Jukebox Bingo!
Games are all 'Themed' such as, music from the 50's, 80's, Motown, Current Music, Love Songs and more. For example I have done, Country & Western, Disco, Car Song themed games. I can even customized games for your event! How about a all Beatles game? Or Hair Band, One Hit Wonders or even Beach Music. I currently have 24 different themed musical bingo games. But my most popular category is 'Party Tunes' by far! Because there is so much to pick from, each game is always different. Plus, playing the different bingo patterns can also add to the fun. Blackout, Four Corners, Plus Sign and of course 'regular' bingo, across up and down or diagonally.
Be unique, be fun and be new. This game is ONLY offered by Chuck 'The DJ' so book your date now.
Jump on it and give me a call today! 707-239-4948 or chuckthedjca@gmail.com
Around the world, Bingo is one of the most popular games for all ages. I am adding a new twist to an old favorite to take it to another level. I threw out the numbers of tradition bingo and replaced them with song bites. Songs that everyone will know. Played like regular bingo, but with music. That’s right, Jukebox Bingo!
Games are all 'Themed' such as, music from the 50's, 80's, Motown, Current Music, Love Songs and more. For example I have done, Country & Western, Disco, Car Song themed games. I can even customized games for your event! How about a all Beatles game? Or Hair Band, One Hit Wonders or even Beach Music. I currently have 24 different themed musical bingo games. But my most popular category is 'Party Tunes' by far! Because there is so much to pick from, each game is always different. Plus, playing the different bingo patterns can also add to the fun. Blackout, Four Corners, Plus Sign and of course 'regular' bingo, across up and down or diagonally.
Be unique, be fun and be new. This game is ONLY offered by Chuck 'The DJ' so book your date now.
Jump on it and give me a call today! 707-239-4948 or chuckthedjca@gmail.com